Beauty From the Inside: 10 Foods that Take Care of Your Skin.

Beauty From the Inside: 10 Foods that Take Care of Your Skin.
Beauty by Food, Beauty from Inside
Beauty from Inside

The skin is one of our great elimination organs. Avoiding toxic and purifying it is as important as giving it the necessary nutrients.

Skin is the largest organ in the body and almost always a reflection of how we are inside. this is a system  which is  responsible for cleaning the body, as well as the liver, kidneys, lungs and intestines.
To have healthy skin, you have to avoid the toxic substances that can overload the cleaning organs. We must also avoid unhealthy culinary techniques and eliminate foods that steal vitamins and minerals necessary for cell renewal, such as dairy, refined flour and sugars, processed fats or processed foods.


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1. Chia Seeds are Rich in Omega-3

Food For Beautiful Skin, Skin Friendly Food
Chia Seed
They provide high bioavailability amino acids and are what makes them ideal against skin problems such as wrinkles or dryness.It is better to grind them to take advantage of these nutrients. Take 2 tablespoons a day in the form of pudding, such as sauce or dressing.
You should try to add it into your diet.


2.Endives Keep us Hydarated

Food For Beautiful Skin, Skin Friendly Food

Being rich in water and bitter taste, they are perfect to promote liver function and keep us hydrated.
Accompany your salads with 1 or 2 endives. You can also fill them with chopped and seasoned vegetables. 

     3. Apricots, Rich in Beta Carotene
Food For Beautiful Skin, Skin Friendly Food

Consume 2 or 3 fresh a day or dehydrated and organic.
Its orange color is due to its richness in beta-carotene and Vitamin A precursor substances, essential for cell renewal.It is very good for skin.Apricots are easily available in summer season.

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4. Cucumber is Moisturizing as Food and in Mask

Food For Beautiful Skin, Skin Friendly Food

Consumed with the skin, it also brings its bitter taste and moisturizing power, which fulfills the function of purifying and stimulating the cleaning process very well.
Try to eat  one cucumber daily  in salads, creams or juices . It can  be used directly on the skin as a moisturizing and nourishing mask

5. Red Pepper, Essential to Form Collagen

Food For Beautiful Skin, Skin Friendly Food
Red Pepper

It is the food with more vitamin C content. It is necessary for the formation of collagen, which is  a protein that supports the skin.
You can take one or a half a day during your season.

6. Horsetail is Rich in Silicon

Food For Beautiful Skin, Skin Friendly Food

This plant is very rich in silicon, a mineral that also intervenes as a cofactor in the formation of collagen.To incorporate it into your diet and take advantage of it, you must use it ground or crushed. Take one pinch of horsetail a day, as a dressing. it can grow best in moist places.

7. Turmeric to Fight Acne
Food For Beautiful Skin, Skin Friendly Food

Turmeric is also recommended for acne because it has  anti inflammatory power.  Keep in mind that in these cases an anti-inflammatory diet may be recommended.

8. Ground Sesame Seeds Provide Methionine

Food For Beautiful Skin, Skin Friendly Food
Ground Seasame Seeds

They provide healthy fats and are the richest seeds in methionine, a sulfurized amino acid needed to form collagen.
Take 2 tablespoons a day,  in crushed  form.
Every day use 2 slices, or half a teaspoon if it is powdered.

9. Fruits of the Forest, Better Wild

Food For Beautiful Skin, Skin Friendly Food
They are rich in antioxidants, necessary so that the skin is not unstructured. 
If they are wild they contain more, because the plant has had to develop them to cope with the inclement weather.
In season, enjoy a handful of berries every day.

10. Blue Green Algae, the Superfood for Ever Young Skin
Food For Beautiful Skin, Skin Friendly Food
Blue Green Algae

This blue-green algae, considered a superfood, has the ability to nourish and detoxify the blood, as well as to promote cell regeneration processes. This helps prevent dry skin and delay the appearance of wrinkles.
Take 1 or 2 teaspoons a day in sauces, creams or smoothies.

I hope you would like reading Beauty From the Inside: 10 Foods that Take Care of your Skin.

Milan Tomic

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  1. Very informative article... Pleasr tell also about food for weight loss
