9 Surprising Benefits of Yogurt - What It Is For and Properties

9 Surprising  Benefits of Yogurt - What  It  Is For and  Properties

 Benefits of Yogurt,  dahi ke faide

One of the main sources of dietary probiotics, yogurt is a very nutritious food and its consumption provides a number of health benefits. In the following article, in addition to the benefits of yogurt, we will learn about how it is made, what it is for, and its nutritional properties.

How is Yogurt Made?

Benefits of Yogurt., dahi ke faide
Yogurt is made through the fermentation of milk, that is, it is obtained from a metabolic process which in this case is carried out by bacteria (lactobacilli). To produce energy, these microorganisms convert lactose (milk sugar) to lactic acid, the compound responsible for the sour taste of yogurt in its essence, to the natural.

The food industry has increased and adapted the production of yogurt, so there are many types on the market, such as ready-to-drink, or with specific flavors, products in the diet and light, lactose-free versions, etc.
A variety that has become very popular in recent times was Greek yogurt, which is more concentrated than natural yogurt, with higher creaminess and protein content. So let's see what yogurt is for.

What is Yogurt For?

Yogurt is a food that people usually eat from the early hours of the day, at breakfast, as an afternoon snack or after-meal dessert.
It can be served with fruit, honey, granola, flaxseed or chia seeds. Yogurt is also widely used for making vitamins and seasoning salads.

It can be served with fruit, honey, granola, flaxseed or chia seeds. Yogurt is also widely used for making vitamins and seasoning salads.

In general, yogurts are a good source of B-complex vitamins, especially B12, B6 and riboflavin, calcium, magnesium and potassium minerals. They also have significant amounts of protein, the content of which, as well as carbohydrates and fats, varies by type of yogurt.
In the case of natural yogurt specifically, a 100g serving has 63 calories, 45% of which is provided by its carbohydrate content, 33% by protein and 22% by fat.

Benefits of Yogurt

Benefits of Yogurt., dahi ke faide

Here's how yogurt's properties provide health and fitness benefits. So what is yogurt for anyway?

1- Yogurt Helps to Lose Weight

Both protein and calcium, both present in good quantities in yogurt, are aids to weight lose. Protein intake promotes satiety by reducing the amount of food you eat routinely. In the case of calcium, studies indicate that the mineral decreases the release of cortisol in the body, a hormone that favors the accumulation of body fat, especially in the abdomen region.
Remember that the market provides lights Yogurts, contributing even more to your diet.
See also:  How to Lose Weight by Keto Diet

2- Yogurt is a Good Post Workout Food

Benefits of Yogurt., dahi ke faide

The food we select after training makes all the difference to the process of muscle building and repair (our muscles also get damaged by the intensity of the exercises). According to the University of Birmingham's Sports Medicine, immediate consumption of a food after exercise stimulates the synthesis of muscle fibers.

The benefits of yogurt as a post workout food are provided by its protein content (which helps in increasing and repairing lean mass), carbohydrates (which replenishes glycogen stores) and low fat (as they hinder the digestion of the above nutrients).

However, it is important to note that not all varieties of yogurt fit these parameters; some even contain large amounts of sugar, and excess sugar is converted to fat by our metabolism. At the time of purchase, try to choose natural yogurt or low-calorie, low-carbohydrate and lipid.

3- Yoghurt Helps Regulate the Intestinal Flora

Yogurt bacteria are considered probiotics because they help make up the gut microbiota (a community of microorganisms that maintain a symbiotic relationship with humans).

In the gut, probiotics improve the absorption of vitamins and minerals, help prevent constipation, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, gas and inflammatory bowel disease.

Research also indicates that probiotics have anticancer action, such as for tumors in the colon.

4- Yogurt Fights Infections

Probiotics also help the immune system fight infections. A study of the elderly showed that those who consumed these microorganisms showed a considerable reduction in the duration of gastrointestinal and respiratory infections.

Other research has shown that probiotics Lactibacillus and Bifidobacterium improve response to drug therapy against persistent infections by Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium associated with gastritis, ulcers and stomach cancer.

5- Yogurt Helps Contain Candidiasis

Candidiasis, a recurrent fungal infection in diabetic women, can also be combated with the consumption of probiotics. In one research, 7 diabetic women, all with this vaginal disease, ate about 170 g of yogurt with or without active cultures, frozen and sweetened with aspartame daily. Although most women did not have a good control of blood glucose, the results indicated that participants who ate yogurt with active cultures had a decrease in vaginal pH, which changed from 6 to 4 (precisely the normal value for organ), and the infection as a whole. Those who received yogurt without active cultures continued to have a pH of 6.

6- Yogurt Helps Control Blood Glucose

Probiotics even help to control the blood glucose level. In addition to lactose, these bacteria consume any type of sugar, such as those from our diet, transforming them into short-chain fatty acids, compounds that can be harnessed to produce energy in large intestine cells.

Thanks to this conversion, some of the glucose generated through the digestive process is not absorbed by the body, which decreases the amount of glucose in the bloodstream.
Diabetics can benefit from this yogurt as long as they choose diets.

7- Yogurt Helps Control Blood Pressure
 Yogurt. control B.P,  Benefits of Yogurt
Control Blood Pressure

Hypertension is a problem that affects thousands of Brazilians and contributes to the occurrence of more serious diseases, such as infarction.
Research published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that adults who ate more lean (low-fat) dairy products two or more times a day were less likely to develop high blood pressure than those who ate less.
Because it is rich in potassium, yogurt helps balance the body's sodium levels, which in excess contributes to increased blood pressure.

8- Yogurt Prevents Osteoporosis

The benefits of yogurt are reflected even in the bones as it helps to prevent osteoporosis. Calcium, a key nutrient for bone tissue, is found naturally in yogurt. But the mineral content is also subject to variation depending on the product.
To optimize intestinal calcium absorption, some companies even incorporate vitamin D into their yogurt.

Tip: Try to look at yogurt labels so you will have more concrete information about the exact amount of all nutrients.

9- Yoghurt Helps to Nourish Lactose Intolerants

Individuals with lactose intolerance (a condition caused by lactase deficiency, a lactose-degrading enzyme) need to supplement calcium, as milk is one of the largest sources of this mineral.

Yogurt consumption is a way to avoid calcium deficiency as probiotics metabolize lactose. But these people should choose low-lactose or lactose-free ones (check product information carefully) because in some yogurts, such as frozen ones, there is not a sufficient amount of live cultures to more effectively reduce the amount of this sugar. milk.
 Benefits of Yogurt. , dahi ke faide
Flavoured Yogurt (Yummy)

I hope you would enjoyed Benefits of Yogurt


Milan Tomic

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