Importance of Drinking Water for our Body


The importance of drinking water for our body is discussed in detail. Here are few questions related to drinking water  and there answers are given  below:

Is  Mineral  Water  Good  for  the  Kidney?

For diseases of the excretory system, the method of eliminating and purifying the cause of organ dysfunction is chosen. Since it meets the above criteria, it can be said that it is ideal to treat the kidneys with mineral water. What water is suitable for kidney and bladder disease? If your kidneys hurt, do you need to drink a lot? How does the purification process affect the healing power of mineral water

There are a lot of them. For example, it removes salt deposits, reanimates bone tissue in the body, positively affects the nervous system, regulates the water-salt balance, which affects blood pressure. 
Table-mineralization of less than 1 g per liter, suitable for daily use, prevention of bladder diseases;
Medical institution-1 to 10 g / L of salt, without the appointment of a doctor, you can drink a healthy person for a short time to prevent and treat certain diseases.
Medicinal-indicators of mineralization of more than 10 g per liter, it is recommended to drink according to the instructions of a specialist.
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Mineral water usage indicator
Disorders of the excretory system are accompanied by an increase in the concentration of phosphates, oxalates and urate. Accumulate, irritating the walls of the bladder, gradually turning into sand and stones. How is the result of treatment done? First, purulent and mucus formations are removed, which eliminates pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, in the reservoirs of the kidneys, colloidal equilibrium is established, and salt deposits begin to dissolve, thus eliminating the possibility of forming insoluble salts. This remedy is effective for kidney disease.

Are  there  Contraindications?

Medicinal water may seem harmless, but it is not. Useful only if prescribed by a doctor after a preliminary examination. The diagnosis determines the type of water to be treated, the dosage, the form and time of administration. You cannot drink medical fluids.

Period of acute exacerbation of the genitourinary system;
Symptoms associated with acute renal failure;
In the presence of large salt deposits;
Urogenital tuberculosis;
Severe hematuria;
Difficulty urinating;
Renal parenchymal atrophy (sleep mythology).

If you ignore this rule, not only will the water treatment be harmful, you can also lose one or both kidneys. In fact, the intake of the drug itself causes aggravation. In the kidneys, if  already previously caused by irritating agents (infection, salt deposits), only additional factors from treatment will only worsen the symptoms.

What  is  Good  for  the  Kidneys?

Its main effect is not to fill the body with minerals, but to correct ion exchange in the kidneys, so its effect can be achieved with low mineral water intake. Useful water with low mineral concentrations  and moderate concentrations.  Water with a low mineral content can be used to correct the ion balance in the kidneys.

How  to Treat  Kidney  Mineral Water?
It is important to listen to your doctor's advice about water intake and time. You need diet foods, alcohol retention, nicotine. If it is necessary to remove gas bubbles, it can be heated. At a temperature of 20-30 degrees, it increases urination. During the day, you need to drink from 1 to 2 liters. Treatment takes place when the disease is cured. Consider how to treat cystitis, pyelonephritis and urolithiasis with mineral water.


Low mineral water from all sources. Treatment is possible in the presence of small diameter stones. It is carried out by controlling the acidity of urine and the presence of stone-forming salts in it.
The duration of treatment depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. On average, the duration of treatment is 3-6 weeks. During this period, diseased organs return to pathogenic bacteria, slag is removed and ionic balance is restored. However, longer intake can seriously impair the balance of water and salt, which can adversely affect the functioning of the body.

Additional  Use of  Mineral  Water

Enhancing the therapeutic effect can be achieved by taking a therapeutic bath. Relieves spasms and diuretic effects in the presence of disorders of the urinary system. 
For example, sodium chloride baths improve renal blood circulation, iodine bromine has a vasodilating effect, improve metabolism, radon baths are useful for inflammation, improve the repair of affected tissues and improve local immunity. 
As you can see, mineral water gives a positive result for the disease, as well as the excretory system. For prevention it is necessary to consume a large amount of fluid, since it affects the function of the excretory system, especially the deposition of the bladder and kidney bones.
Drinking a lot of water can be harmful to your kidneys.
How to drink water properly during the day and how much water should you drink per day? It is better to drink cold or hot, boiled or raw, mineral or simple water. What if drinking too much or not enough water is useful or harmful?
Proper drinking regime, along with a balanced diet, plays an important role in ensuring the normal functioning of the body. What kind of water is the right way to make sure it is healthy and does not harm your health?

Read below.
Water is a universal solvent. Being part of the liquid blood component, it participates in the transport of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients and wastes, temperature control and chemical processes within the cell.
How much water do you need per day for adults, pregnancy, newborns, children per kilogram of weight?
Scientists calculated that the adult male body is 60% water and the female body is 50% water. 

To maintain water balance, you need to use 1.5 to 2 liters of clean water per day.
The physiological requirement of 1 kg of adults is 30 ml of water every day.
During pregnancy, water is involved not only in the mother's body, but also in the metabolism of the future fetus. That's why doctors recommend it.
You need to drink 2.5 liters of drinking water per day.
To prevent the development of edema, it is essential to reduce salt, not to reduce the amount of water you drink, and it should be done throughout pregnancy.
Based on the results of establishing the correct drinking regime, we will help the doctor.

Insufficient fluids can adversely affect both amniotic fluid and mom's body.

The amount of water a newborn consumes depends on the type of food.
If you are feeding artificially or mixed feeding, you need to replenish your baby at 2 weeks of age, the percentage of water you drink during the day is 100-200 ml.
When breastfeeding, the baby should eat at the age of 3-4 months, because the milk he drinks is 90% water. Infants drink 50-70 ml of drinking water per day.
 The opinion that it is not necessary to feed a baby who has been breastfeeding by mistake. Remember, mother's milk is food and does not drink!

Maintaining a water balance in children's bodies is important for good health. Using a good amount of fluid can prevent growing teeth, gums, joints, and kidney problems.

Children should drink 1-1.5 liters of pure water per day.
In children, the physiological demand of water is 50 ml per kg of body weight.
What if drinking too much water is useful or harmful? result
Large amounts of consumption can harm the body despite all the benefits of clean drinking water.

When drinking a large amount of water, a direct replay occurs. This property is used when washing the stomach in case of intoxication, but in normal conditions these phenomena bring discomfort.

The risk of edema that can affect the brain and lungs increases.
With excess water, salt and minerals flow out of the body, the water and salt balance is broken, which can lead to a decrease in muscle and mental activity and seizures.
The body tries to remove a large amount of water with diarrhea.

"Everything is poisonous and everything is medicine. And the dose alone makes the poison and the poison makes the medicine." (Paracelsus)

Is  It Harmful  For Your  Kidneys To  Drink  Too Much  Water?

Among doctors, there is an opinion that preventing kidney disease is their ongoing effort. In order not to suffer from urinary stones or urinary tract inflammation, you need to consume enough liquids per day (at least 2 liters). If you already have kidney disease, you should reduce this amount.

With excessive intake of water, the kidneys act in an enhanced form, and over time, such overloads begin to affect health and efficiency. But to date, no reliable relationship between kidney disease and large body fluids has been established.
Situations where you need to drink more water
In some cases, the amount of liquid consumed can be increased to 3 liters per day.

  • Physical activity
  • Vomiting and Diarrhea
  • Improved urination
  • Excessive sweating
  • Body burn

What  happens  if  it is useful  or harmful  to drink too  little  water?

Dehydration Symptoms, Results

Without food, a person can live for more than a month, but only 3-4 days without water. Lowering the fluid level in the body is very dangerous for all body systems. Suffer from light to medium levels of water if:
You have dry skin. This is manifested by peeling, tendency to lash, deep wrinkles and other signs of premature aging.
Problems with digestion-heartburn, indigestion, frequent constipation.
The mucous membrane dries, causing thirst and dryness in the mouth and eyes.
Sticky blood takes a long time because there is no time to transfer toxins produced during the disease to the excretory organs.
The amount of fluid in the articular capsules decreases, and the bones begin to rub against each other, experiencing joint pain.
Especially at the end of the day, headaches often occur. So the brain responds to a decrease in the amount of water in its composition.
Hunger occurs more often than usual. The body sends a signal of hunger, replenishing its hydration along with the food it consumes.
Severe dehydration requires early medical intervention and has the following symptoms:

  • Fast breathing and heart rate
  • Body temperature rise
  • Drop fontanel to baby
  • Confusion and Confusion in Children and Adults
  • No sweat and tears
  • Dark amount of urine
  • Strong thirst
  • Hypotension

Such dehydration is rare, but requires close treatment in the hospital.

Is  It Better To Drink  Cold  Or Hot Water?

It is neither cold nor hot. Cold water causes cramps in the digestive tract and stomach wall, and the body still warms fluids injected at body temperature. Hot water, boiling water-not very good taste, can burn the mucous membranes.

Drink hot water heated to room temperature or to the temperature of the human body

Why do Chinese Drink Hot Water?

 However, there are the following versions.
Drinking cold drinks can disrupt the flow of yin and yang energy in the body, according to the ideas of traditional Chinese medicine.
Heated water facilitates the absorption of food, especially oily, since fats dissolve easily in boiling water.
Water is heated for hygienic reasons to kill pathogens.
The use of pure boiling water is not a special implication of the character, a spirit that has developed over the centuries.

Is it good to drink water on an empty stomach in the Morning? How much Water do you drink?

According to doctors, the ideal start of the day must include fasting drinking water. It should be comfortable warm water for our body.

Drink water on an empty stomach, wipe the stomach and wash off undigested food debris.
Stimulates the contraction of the walls of the digestive tract, so there is a slight laxative effect.
Gastric juice is diluted and morning heartburn emotions pass.
Reduced appetite with gastrointestinal fullness.
To achieve this positive effect, it is enough to drink 1.5-2 glasses of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach.

Is it good to drink water with Lemon in the Morning?

It is unnecessary to add a slice of lemon or lemon juice in warm water in the morning.
Lemons perfectly stimulate the immune system, energize, remove toxins, enrich the body with vitamins.

It is also known for its fat burning and antibacterial properties. Drink homemade "lemonade" on fasting for 20-30 minutes before meals.

Children should carefully receive lemon water. Sour juice can harm the soft mucous membranes of children, and lemons can cause unpredictable allergic reactions.

What Water is better to Drink: Boil or Raw?

Heat treatment of drinks-one of the most effective means in the fight against pathogens. However, many consider boiled water dead, useless, and when boiling, harmful chlorine-containing compounds are formed. To prevent this, it is advisable to evaporate impurities such as chlorine, ammonia, etc. in open containers for a day before using boiling water.

Raw water tastes good, but tap water contains pathogens and bactericidal additives. Before use, such water must be protected or passed through furniture filters.
Mineral or ordinary water is better to drink.
Normal water, tap water is usually taken on land and in a non-permanent composition. It depends on precipitation, year-round time, distance from settlement to reservoir and other factors. It does not always meet the needs of the body in the quality and quantity of trace elements containing the chemical composition of ordinary water.

Mineral water has a constant chemical composition and is saturated with inorganic trace elements. 

Mineral water completely eliminates thirst and restores the water-salt balance, but regular use requires significant financial expenditure.


Milan Tomic

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